Nhat Bui's Damn Cool Stuff

HTML Tic Tac Toe
This game uses only HTML. No JS, no CSS, just HTML with some deprecated tags. Still you can't win.

Light Spell Check
A Python code snippet for checking single word's spelling quickly. It does magical work to detect 99% of errors with seven times less memory footprint than using a word list.

Keyword Extractor
A tool to extract the most important words from English texts rapidly. Acceptable result. I will create an API at some point in the future.

Vietnamese Text Highlighter
A tool to create a summary of Vietnamese text by extracting main sentences. This project is just an experiment, not really a research thing. I also provide a deprecated API here.


A script that helps you download Instagram photos (not videos, sorry) and stories on desktop. Create a new bookmark on your browser, then paste the script in the URL box. Click the bookmark while browsing Instagram to download stuff displaying on screen.

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